
Showing posts from April, 2019


SPICY KIDNEY BEAN STEW Looking for some healthy comfort food? This vegan spicy kidney bean stew is perfect for a quick and hearty supper. Kidney beans tend to be one of my kitchen staples. They're versatile,  incredibly healthy , satisfyingly filling, and while they can be fairly bland when they're eaten by themselves, they make a great alternative in ground beef dishes, and are perfect for soaking up the flavors in a sauce.  I was inspired to make this dish after visiting Mexico and not eating a single chili dish while I was out there.  After eating mountains of guacamole and tons of tacos, I was craving something spicy when I got home. But an authentic Mexican chili (not chili con carne, which is a Tex-Mex dish) usually uses jalapeƱo peppers and chili powder, whereas I wanted a dish that was spicy without being fiery. In fact, this spicy kidney bean stew has more in common with the lentil dhal I made a few weeks ago.  The great thing about making this dish